09 July, 2010

jack and jackie

      I was in a bookstore last week and (as I am wont to do) wandered aimlessly till I found something interesting. Walking through the American History section, I came across a book called Letters to Jackie: Condolences from a Grieving Nation, by Ellen Fitzpatrick. As I read excerpts from letters sent to the First Lady after the President's death, I was surprised that I was so surprised to realize how connected people felt to JFK. I don't think there's anything now that would have the same effect on the whole country as JFK's assassination did - I think we've become...somewhat apathetic, desensitized by the media/constant connectedness etc., I don't know. 
     But since then, I've been thinking a lot about this couple. I even went onto youtube and watched the video of his assassination, which I regret now. I don't want to think about that part. I'd rather "remember" them as a couple in love.

   I just love this picture - it's one of the few pictures of the two being affectionate. These days people tend to believe they weren't really in love, but I don't believe that. I think it was just the time and circumstances in which they were raised - public displays of affection were not as tolerated as they are now, and especially not for the upper crusts of society. I think there's something to be said for that, too, in some ways. Saving kissing for when you're alone definitely makes it more powerful and special (though anyone who knows me knows that I take every opportunity to kiss my honey, wherever we may be, so do with that what you will).
     Here's another very sweet picture of these American royals. This is my favorite of them I think - it was taken when they were still dating. It is oh-so-sweet and playful, a more intimate portrait of them than if they had been kissing. The way she's looking directly into his eyes, and he's looking right back at her, their playful smiles. Also, Jackie is so beautiful here! Her short haircut is so pretty and sassy, and that dress is a dream (and Michelle Obama can eat her heart out on those arms). We're so lucky to have this picture of them.

I don't know if anyone reads this at all, but I am resolved to really be better about updating. I really WANT to write, so I'm working hard on being more steadfast and resolute. 

Thanks so much to jimmypage of the Kennedys tumblr page for these sweet pictures!


  1. She looks so incredible with short hair! Dying. And it's so weird you post this. I've been going on a binge with classic couples, and have found myself completely enraptured in the saga of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. There is just something about these couples that are endlessly fascinating and heartbreakingly romantic - even in their worst of times.

  2. These pictures are lovely. If only we still dressed like that!
    I'm glad to hear from someone else who loves perfumes as well :) The deeper interest is a more recent thing for me. Joel gave me Penhaligons' Sartorial, which is beautiful! It's a little bit Arab and very classic.
    The CB perfumes look very intriguing. We haven't delved into buying decants yet, but I'm sure we will soon. What is your favorite of his?
